Rehabilitating and economically empowering persons with disabilities by providing certain tools and materials and start-up capital in the form of loan in Addis Ababa and Hawassa.

Monitoring and following up of ex-trainees after the skills training and the handover of start up capital through periodic visits, collective discussions and awareness sessions as well as counseling contacts.

Ensuring the target groups financially sustainable by rendering technical and marketing support for graduates of the skill training.

Acquiring and distributing various means of physical and mobility aids/guide canes, crutches wheel chairs, walking frames, and hearing aids to persons with disabilities in Addis Ababa and Hawassa.

Undertaking HIV/AIDS related program interventions for beneficiaries, their families and community members. Also, Awareness raising- conducting workshop events for public awareness on disability issues, HIV/AIDS for the blind and PwDs on vulnerability issues;. Moreover, SSHBHA has been able to reach more than 850 persons with disabilities and 3000 families and the community members through awareness program interventions sensitizing them on disability issues as well as on the causes, prevention and treatment of the HIV/AIDS with particular reference to the vulnerability of PwDs. Salu has recently commenced a collaborative project on “The Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in HIV/AIDS- Focused Interventions” with six selected network members.

Braille Literacy-organizing non-formal Braille literacy courses for adult blind in the organization’s premises;

Networking and partnership with the relevant actors.

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